When modeling language for your child, there are a few things to avoid that will make your activities more effective!
Avoid Vague Words:
Try swapping words like "this one, that, here, there, it" for specific words like "blue car, book, on the table, in bag, get your shoes." We want to model specific, meaningful words to prevent any overgeneralization of vague words. For example, they may use “this one” to request foods, toys, objects, people, and places. Use the actual names of objects, actions, places, etc!
Avoid using the word "SAY":
"Say" just asks your child to repeat a word, but doesn’t indicate that they understand the word or will use it again. It's best to help your child learn how to use language spontaneously so they'll use words to express their ideas, wants, and needs.
Avoid correcting your child directly:
Your child's speech sounds may not sound exactly right or their word use may not be correct as they're learning. Praise any attempts, acknowledge what they say, and model the correct version instead of directly correcting them with words like, "no, that's not right." This will help increase their confidence while helping them learn in a natural way.
Avoid Distractions:
If you're completing a daily routine like getting ready for bed or leaving the house, put any distracting toys or items out of sight if you're not using them. Increase focus during the activities by turning off other distractions like tablets or the TV.
Try out these helpful tips at home to increase communication opportunities and language learning!