An important skill to teach your little one is how to ask for help. Asking for help is an essential skill your child should learn to build confidence and problem solving in their everyday life. It builds crucial self-advocacy skills that they need to be independent! Here are 3 helpful tips for teaching your child how to ask for help.
Tip #1 Wait
If you see your child struggling with something, don’t jump in right away! Let them bring it to you and initiate that by asking for help.
Example: Your child is having difficulty opening a container or zipping up their jacket. Wait and see if they come to you first before taking that initiative yourself.
Tip #2 Give them the words
If they don’t have the words to ask for help, model it for them. Give them the words!
Example: I need help. Help me. Help open. Want some help.
*Pro tip: avoid yes/no questions like “Do you need help?” Use statements or give choices instead.
Example: Looks like you need help! I can help you out. Need help or keep trying?
Tip #3 Don’t help too much
Avoid over helping by doing everything for them. You can do one or a few at a time to increase opportunities for your child to ask for help.
Example: Open a tight container lid just a little so they can do the rest. Put one or two pieces into a play item so they can do some on their own and ask for more help as they need.
Try these 3 tips at home to help teach your child to ask for help! Other ways to help are to model asking for help in routines and play and by reading books that show the importance of asking for help.